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ФОТОГРАФИИ (продолжение)


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Марата: Марат по испанцам пошёл...

Гостья из Будущего: Марата пишет: Марат по испанцам пошёл... в яблочко!

Diana1: девочки подскажите как сюда фотки загружать? и вопрос номер2, Марат будет в Москве играть? на КК допустим?

Nika: Diana1 пишет: Марат будет в Москве играть? на КК допустим? Допустим будет... Хотя никогда не знаешь, 4его от него ожидать. может решит в космос полететь...))) Diana1 пишет: девочки подскажите как сюда фотки загружать? нажимаешь на панели-загрузить фото из интернета, вводишь адрес и отправляешь...


Diana1: я саму панель эту не вижу

Nika: Diana1 когда пишешь ответ-строка после заголовка. Окоше4ки маленькие, 1-е B...





Diana1: кто знает испанский переведите в 2 -х словах)) http://www.vxv.com/canal=tenispro?38943

B.G.: he said that he doesn know what he is going to do after tennis. he say like a joke to sell cars! he also said that he has a girlfriend. That the women in argentina are really beautifull. - he is going to live half in moscow and half somewhere else because moscow in winter is realli depressive. - He is really happy for his sister, because a WOMAN HAVE TO WORK. Then he said that its really difficult for any 23 year old to reach what his sister did. - dinara and he doesnt speak by phone. By the moment of the interview they had not speak for almost 2 weeks. That they are family but in a different way that in argentina. - The he speak about patagonia, he said that some of his friend went and it was great. -Zabaleta say thank you that the people of tennis pro always support him (its and argentinian slang what zabaleta said i dont really know how to translate exactly). M: by guys ! http://www.menstennisforums.com/showthread.php?t=42298&page=177



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